lunedì 6 maggio 2013

TSQL - Generate random string

Sometimes could be the need to generate random strings...let's consider as an example the case of a password reinizilizzation...
First of all we need a range of characters that we want to use in our final string...
declare @TABLE table(value char(1))
declare @i int, @strLen int
select @i = 65, @strLen=5

while @i <= 90 begin
   insert @TABLE select char(@i)
   select @i = @i + 1
-- 34 to 123 for more char
-- 48 to 57 for numbers
-- 65 to 90 for uppercase letters
-- 97 to 122 for lowercase letters
Now we have a table with all the char we want to include in our final string

lets generate n random elements from this repository.
This step is too consider also duplicate elements...
declare @TABLE__ table(value char(1))
declare @j int
select @j = 0
while @j<@strLen begin
   insert into @TABLE__
      select top 1 value from @TABLE ORDER BY newid()

   select @j = @j + 1
select * from @TABLE__
Now we just have to concatenate elements...
select substring(replace((
   SELECT ';'+ value FROM @TABLE__ a for xml path('')), ';', ''), 1, @strLen)
if we do not want to duplicate elements just do not consider @TABLE__ but simply
select substring(replace((
   SELECT ';'+ value FROM @TABLE ORDER BY newid() for xml path('')), ';', ''), 1, @strLen)

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